Profile of the group
Rathscheck Schiefer is one of the leading producers of premium quality slate for the design of aesthetic living spaces.
The company was founded in 1793 by Johann Baptist Rathscheck and taken over by Wilh. Werhahn KG in 1904. All global activities including development, purchasing and sales are centrally controlled from the headquarters in Mayen/Eifel.
The Spanish production companies Cafersa, Castrelos and Pizarras La Baña, which are part of the Group, have an important international function. The extensive resources secure Rathscheck's long-term access to high-quality slate for the global markets.
The product range includes a wide range of cover types for roofing and walls. A modern and easy to install roof system with the optional integration of photovoltaic elements appeals to design-oriented and cost-conscious building owners. Rathscheck offers an extensive range of classic capstone formats for the preservation and renovation of historic buildings. System solutions especially developed for contemporary architecture enable innovative facade designs with large-sized natural stones. The product range is supplemented by ashlars for interior and exterior use as well as for gardening and landscaping.
Rathscheck Schiefer has strong brands. Under the name InterSIN®, blue-grey slate from Spanish and international deposits is among the best qualities on the world market. The targeted selection during quarrying combined with the highest precision in processing distinguishes MONUMENTUM®, the premium brand for old German coverings. The precious stone from the company's own deposits in the "Golden Valley" (Valdeorras/Spain) is given a special elegance and uniqueness by its lively and intensely silky shimmering surface. The product portfolio also includes colored slate, which is sold in red and green tones under the ColorSIN® brand. Exclusive natural stones for sophisticated interior and exterior design are marketed under the ROCANEX® brand. The traditional brand Moselschiefer® stands for high-quality garden and landscaping products.
Download corporate brochure
For downloading the brochure "Slate - Pure nature in perfection" as a PDF document, just click here or on the picture of the brochure.
The Werhahn self-conception
Rathscheck Schiefer is one of the leading producers of premium quality slate and has been part of Wilh. Werhahn KG since 1904.
Wilh. Werhahn KG, founded by Peter Wilhelm Werhahn in Neuss in 1841, is one of the oldest family businesses in Germany. Today the group of companies is owned by more than 400 descendants of the founder. Originally started as a timber trading company, Werhahn is now active worldwide in the fields of building materials, consumer goods and financial services.
Diversified, versatile and focused - these characteristics have characterized Werhahn since its foundation and form the pillars of its success.
From the very beginning Werhahn has not only run one single business activity, but has always been active in various fields. Diversification, with the aim of balancing risks between business activities, is a principle that is still lived today. A principle that has proven itself many times over the course of more than 175 years - especially in politically and economically difficult times.
The involvement in different business activities requires an examination of the entrepreneurial potential of the individual business units. The business portfolio is therefore reviewed regularly.
In all our business activities, the needs of our customers are the focus of our actions. Early recognition of trends and opportunities for innovation and growth play a central role in shaping developments and thus achieving and maintaining a leading position in changing markets.
The business activities that Werhahn has decided to pursue are carried out in a concentrated, entrepreneurial manner with commitment and passion. We pay particular attention to ensuring that these activities are in line with our social responsibility and that we can develop them sustainably and largely independently of capital markets.
The central principle at Werhahn is decentralization: Our business units manage their operational business independently and in compliance with internal and external standards, guidelines and laws. Beyond their economic size, they are characterized by medium-sized companies. Flat hierarchies enable fast action and thus customer proximity. Appreciation of expertise, inventiveness, curiosity and openness are the qualitative basis for innovative products and services. The managers of our business units are "entrepreneurs within the company". Conscious of their entrepreneurial responsibility, they make all necessary operational decisions.
The employees of Wilh. Werhahn KG advise the Board of Management in the management of the Group. With their expert knowledge and services, they support the Executive Board and the business segments and also ensure compliance with Group standards.
From its foundation until today Werhahn is supported by the basic values of personal modesty, reliability and social responsibility as well as family ties. These basic values are combined to a high degree with entrepreneurship and the consistently pursued goal of increasing the earnings and value of the group of companies on a sustainable basis. They are the basis of the Werhahn management competence model and the Werhahn code of conduct, which is binding for all employees. Our claim is to be a leading (family-owned) company in all respects and to constantly learn more in order to continuously improve structures, processes and competencies.
The common set of basic values leaves each business unit room for its own culture. Cooperation within the Werhahn Group is characterized by respect, trust and the ability to engage in dialogue.
The relationship between owners and the company is regulated in the articles of association of Wilh. Werhahn KG, such as the rights of participation and decision making as well as the handling of shares. This set of rules, which has proven itself in the long term, makes an important contribution to the stability and continuity of the company.
Family members are and should be active in the company and represented on the Board of Directors of Wilh. Werhahn KG.
Clarification of values and definition of forms of behavior

Our Code of Conduct
The code of conduct clarifies the values of Rathscheck Schiefer as a company of the Werhahn Group. It defines the standards of conduct that enable the Group and its employees to maintain their good reputation and the trust of shareholders, business partners and other important institutions and groups.
As a mid-sized, internationally operating family business with over 180 years of tradition, we have
always been aware of our corporate responsibility for the protection of human rights and the
environment, which is now anchored in the German Act on Corporate Due Diligence for the Prevention
of Human Rights Violations in Supply Chains ("LkSG").
We have therefore set out these and other core values that guide us as a group
and for which we stand in our Code of Conduct, which is binding for all members of our group of

Supplier Code of Conduct
In this Code of Conduct for Suppliers, Rathscheck Schiefer und Dach-Systeme, branch office of the Wilh. Wehrhahn KG, Neuss, as well as its affi liated companies have set out their requirements and principles for cooperation with their suppliers.
We expect our suppliers to implement and comply with the principles set out in this Code of Conduct in all areas of their business and to align their activities accordingly.
Here you can download the Supplier Code of Conduct.
Slate connects- and commits
Slate connects tradition and modern times.
From the Romans to today's (building) spirit of the age. Slate is and remains a roof for everybody. Slate connects employees, customers and all the other partners. From the miner to the house-owner. Slate connects men and machines, from the pick to the ridge of the roof.
Slate lets the tradition of the craft live.
For two millenniums. The natural product is individual, from the geology of the every slate slab to the individual roof design. Slate demands a strong mutual co-operation, from the miner to the trimmer, from the technical consultant to the roofer, from the planner to the client. A strong connection that commits. Slate connects our knowledge and our values. We know how to recognise and look after the resulting responsibilities and commitments.
This is how we meet our commitments
In his/her area of activities every employee is a holder of our entrepreneurial responsibility. Credibility and confidence form the basis of the long-term relationships with all our partners. By achieving an appropriate yield we secure our future.
We take care of traditional and social values and a responsible contact with our environment. Together with our partners we develop leading solutions.
Together in the awareness for tradition and the modern age
By constantly optimising information and communication every employee knows his/her scopes of activities and responsibilities and uses them. Responsibility is transferred and accepted.
Loyalty and responsibility determine our activities.
Co-operation is done objectively and tolerantly with a positive culture of arguments and mistakes. With regard to our reliability we also understand comprehensive quality assurance not only in relation to the customers. We provide impulses for changes and arrange them positively. To be an example is for the management personnel and every employee the first proof of credibility for the conception of ourselves. We lead by means of agreed targets with a maximum degree of self-control. At the same time we demand and promote top performances. We consider the promotion and development of employees an important task of leadership. Providing performance and self-realisation form a unit.
Fulfilling our obligation is the goal
As market leader we develop the slate market with alliances on a partnership basis.
In order to maintain our leadership in quality and service we secure our quality and supply capability by optimising the local production and byworldwide involvement.
By sustained investments into our employees and innovative solutions we promote our technical and social competence. We obtain an appropriate return on investment by cost leadership and transparency.
We keep our word
We act loyally and responsibly for the well-being of our enterprise and our partners. We accept the responsibility transferred to us in order to act reliably, topically and independently. We are innovative and design our future actively. By positive thinking and capacity for enthusiasm we achieve efficient services. With hard work, discipline and involvement we reach our targets.
By acting across areas and togetherness on a partnership basis inside and outside we strengthen each other. We consolidate our technical and social competence by a continuous learning process. We feel bound to slate and its good qualities and involve ourselves with high identification for the use of this natural building material rich in tradition.